Our sweet-voiced, confoundingly-surnamed friends at NPR are streaming “Home Stretch” for free in its entirety this week. Why not head over and give it a test drive?
Our sweet-voiced, confoundingly-surnamed friends at NPR are streaming “Home Stretch” for free in its entirety this week. Why not head over and give it a test drive?
Absorbed on the train today by an unfamiliar word in this New Yorker piece on Britain’s outlaw egg collectors: Oology, meaning the study of eggs. First, I can’t imagine why the New Yorker didn’t spell it Oölogy; and second, this is a hitherto-unthought-of category of English words that look like what they mean. It’s perfect: a pictogram of an egg, followed by ‑ology. The closest thing in English to Ancient Egyptian! There must be a word for this species of word, something along the lines of onomatopæia. Also, do any fonts have an Oo ligature?
The article also made me realize that I may have a budding fixation on eggs, myself; why just the other day I doodled this logo, which I offer for free to anyone planning on developing eggs.com.