The yMusic album “Balance Problems” is out, and contains the piece I wrote for them last year, Safe Travels.
The album is a little different from your typical composer-compilation, which is a good thing. I’d say it’s more of an interpretive album, albeit of music that all happens to have been written for the group. But it’s not weighed down trying to be the definitive version of any of these pieces, a burden which can sometimes lead to dutiful, bland recordings. This is largely a factor of the sheen of futuristic studio production provided by Ryan Lott (a.k.a Son Lux).
It also helps that the music is so good and varied throughout—I’m chuffed to be sharing space with Marcos Balter, Andrew Norman, Mark Dancigers, Nico Muhly, Sufjan Stevens, and Jeremy Turner.
And yes, if it wasn’t already evident, we live in the age of the Instagram Album Cover.
yMusic plays live in NYC on Oct. 10, at Rockwood Music Hall.